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Caroline Turner wins the Sri Chimnoy Paris 100km

Caroline Turner had a brilliant day with a GB qualifier, outright race win and a new course record.

Over to Caroline to share a recap of the race…

“The 100km road race is such a tough event, requiring consistent pacing with no place to hide! I encountered several unforeseen problems during the race and was a bit disappointed to miss my target time. However, I was determined to push on. Running a one-mile loop 63 times helped me break the event into manageable chunks. I could see my crew at regular intervals, getting a boost each time I passed the support area. Despite the challenges, I learned a lot and, all things considered, had a great day!“

Honourable mention to Hour 7 Founder Michael Stocks and Psychologist Dr Jane Stephens for their elite level crewing, playing a key role in the performance.


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